The attractive former Caledonian Railway preserved 0-4-4 tank engine running number 419 provided steam traction for the main 2022 season at the Battlefield Line. My only driving 'turn' on this interesting locomotive was on 18th June 2022 June when I was on a shared turn with Adrian L. Sadly, this was interrupted during the Footplate Experience Course which preceded the public services by the development of a serious steam leak on the locomotive. This resulted in my spending most of the day 'baby-sitting' the failed locomotive whilst a Class 33 diesel operated the passenger trains.
Preserved Caledonian Railway '439' Class No. 419 leaving Shackerstone with the Footplate Experience service. Note the pronounced steam leak at the front end.
Following a previous problem, a gasket in the main steam pipe had been replaced and this was initially suspected as the cause of the new problem. However, when the locomotive had cooled sufficiently to determine the source of the leak, we found that the front left cylinder cover was the culprit. Nothing further could be done then, so I completed the day as 'second-man' on the Class 33 performing the last passenger round trip of the day. I subsequently learnt that, once cold, the cylinder cover had been successfully tightened up and the locomotive restored to traffic. Apparently, this locomotive has a history of this problem reccurring periodically.
Limited access to the cylinders and valve chest front covers is via the hinged 'piano front' underneath the smokebox door. Accommodating two 18 inch diameter inside cylinders resulted in some of the front cover fixing studs being shared between the valve chest front cover and the adjacent cylinder front cover, as shown in the picture below.
Preserved Caledonian Railway 439 Class No. 419: View showing cylinder front covers, divided by the front cover for the vertical valve chest.
Design evolution of the 0-4-4T on the Caledonian Railway
Preserved locomotive 419 is the sole survivor of the Caledonian Class '439' 0-4-4T, introduced by McIntosh in 1900 and the standard suburban and branch line locomotive throughout the Caledonian Railway. But its origins go back to Dugald Drummond who had learned the importance of simple, rugged design through his experiences keeping locomotives running on the harsh routes within Scotland. For general use, a four-coupled tank engine with a bogie at the back appealed to him and, in 1884, Drummond had introduced the '171' class of 0-4-4T. Following rebuild, the last of these survived until 1944. Dugald Drummond's influence on subsequent Scottish locomotive design should not be underestimated. His successor, Lambie, saw fit to continue the design with some changes as the '19' class of condensing 0-4-4T and, in turn, when McIntosh took over in 1895, production of 0-4-4T carried on, first with the '92' class condensing 0-4-4T and then, in 1900, with the '439' class (very similar to the '92' class with boiler pressure raised by 10 p.s.i. and slightly better water capacity). Each of these classes used 5 foot 9 inch diamter coupled wheels but McIntosh also produced 12 locomotives with 5 foot 6 inch diameter coupled wheels giving better performance on the more demanding Cathcart Circle (Glasgow) and Balerno branch (Edinburgh) lines. So successful was the '439' class that production (with minor changes) continued from 1915 under Pickersgill with the final batch of ten emerging in 1925, with the majority of the class remaining in service until the 1960s.
Preserved Caledonian Railway '439' Class No. 419: Overall view during preparation outside Shackerstone Shed.
The Caledonian Railway was one of a number of UK railways which opted to fit the Westinghouse Air Brake System as the 'automatic brake', rather than the vacuum brake system used by many UK railways. Locomotive 419 retains its working steam-operated reciprocating air pump (mounted outside the cab on the fireman's (right) side. The pump charges an air receiver fixed below the bunker of the fireman's side. Via the Driver's Brake Application Valve in the cab, brake blocks on the coupled wheels are applied or released by air applied to the air brake cylinder. Flexible air brake hoses at each end of the locomotive allow the locomotive to be connected to an air brake system on suitably-equipped vehicles. After the Railway Grouping, the LMS additionally fitted a vacuum ejector, brake application valve and standard vacuum brake hoses to enable vacuum-braked trains to be controlled but the power brake on the locomotive remained air-operated. There is also a conventional handbrake, operated by a screw at the rear of the cab.
Preserved Caledonian Railway 439 Class No. 419: Westinghouse Air Pump immediately outside cab on fireman's side.
Preserved Caledonian Railway 439 Class No. 419: Driver's air brake application valve fixed to cab sheeting, left side.
Preserved Caledonian Railway 439 Class No. 419: Davies & Metcalfe Vacuum Ejector and Brake Valve in front left corner of cab. Just to the right, the vertical black tube with a white top is the mechanical control for the blower valve in the smokebox.
Locomotive Regulator
'Double-beat' or 'balanced' locomotive regulators are employed to reduce the effort required to open and close a steam valve against high pressure steam. The Wikipedia article here explains the principle, invented by John Hornblower around 1800. The arrangement was subsequently adapted for use as a locomotive regulator valve. There are a couple of posts in this blog about locomotive regulators - Part 1 talks about early type of regulators and Part 2 shows a modern type of locomotive 'double-beat' regulator. Whereas unbalanced regulators usually have one (or sometimes two) long handles so that the driver can produce sufficient leverage to adjust the valve, this shouldn't be needed with a 'balanced' design. Locomotive 419 is fitted with a 'balanced' regulator, controlled by a short, dual, red-painted handle.
Preserved Caledonian Railway '439' Class No. 419: View of boiler backhead showing red-painted regulator handle and other driving controls from fireman's side.
Cab layout
Because of the dual vacuum/air braking, there's a satisfying array of Bourdon gauges on the front spectacle plate inside the cab. The whistle is operated by a round plunger extending through the front spectacle plate, which produces the satisfying sound of a "Caley Hooter". The deep-toned, dignified sound of the "Caley Hooter"is my favourite whistle. When Stanier moved from Swindon to the LMS, he was asked to agree the whistle to be used on his new designs. A series of whistles were set up on a 'whistle bar' for demonstration and he chose the "Caley Hooter" so, brought up in LMS/GWR West Midlands, I became accustomed to the slightly mournful sound of Stanier engines. Many of my friends prefer 'chime whistles' but I always thought them rather 'foreign' (since I was not exposed to Gresley 'Pacifics' until later!).
More features of the cab layout can be gleaned from the collection of pictures here.
Preserved Caledonian Railway '439' Class No. 419: Gauges mounted on spectacle plate, L-R Train Pipe Vacuum, Boiler P{ressure, Duplex Air Brake, Carriage Warming. The round, polished steel plunger below is the whistle valve.
John Farquharson McIntosh
McIntosh was responsible for many Caledonian Railway designs. He was apprenticed at Arbroath in 1860 and, completing his apprenticeship in 1867, was appointed to Montrose Works where he spent 10 years. Returning to work following the loss of his right hand in an accident, he became Inspector of Lines from Greenhill to Aberdeen. In 1882 he became District Locomotive Superintendent at Aberdeen, taking a similar role at Carstairs in 1884. Next, he took charge of Polmadie running shed in 1886, next becoming Chief Inspector of the Caledonian Railway Locomotive Department at St. Rollox works in 1891 under Lambie. On Lambie's death in 1895, McIntosh became Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent of the Caledonian Railway until 1914.
John Farquharson McIntosh
Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon
Superintendent Caledonian Railway
1895 - 1914
Book References
[1] ‘The McIntosh Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway 1895-1914’ by A. B. Macleod (Ian Allan 1948).
[2] 'An Illustrated History of L.M.S. Locomotives: Volume Three Absorbed Pre-Group Classes, Northern Division’ by Bob Essery and David Jenkinson (Oxford Publishing Co 1986) ISBN 0 86093 383 0.
There's a YouTube video of No. 419 at the Battlefield Line by Damien le Maistre Video here.
My pictures
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The United Kingdom started 2022 no longer in mandatory lockdown because of the Covid 19 Pandemic but still with an odd combination 'special measures' either advised or imposed voluntarily which persisted throughout the year. The practice of working from home introduced during the Covid 19 pandemic has become standardised (now called simply 'WFH') resulting in lowered productivity and other problems. The Russian Federation decided to attempt to annexe adjacent democratic Ukraine in what it called a 'special military operation', which is being pressed with astonishing cruelty but resisted by the people of Ukraine. Overall annual inflation exceeds 10% but food price inflation varies from 15% to 50%. Because of the situation in Ukraine compounding a series of poor decisions by governments here, gas and electricity prices have increased by 300% or more. Since the economic crisis of 2008, bank borrowing costs had been artificially kept at 0.5%, encouraging imprudent borrowing but during 2022, following months of political instability in the United Kingdom (three prime ministers in as many months), borrowing costs have risen to 5 or 6% even for secured borrowing and unsecured borrowing costs are much higher. Covid has not gone away and influenza and other infections (like 'Strep A') are at high levels. The National Health Service (NHS) has been struggling for years and is currently experiencing strikes of nurses, midwives and ambulance workers. Taxes have been raised here to the highest level in about 70 years in an attempt to deal with the effects of the costs of furlough during the worst of the pandemic. Railway workers, Postal workers and some civil service workers are on strike at the end of 2022 and this is currently likely to continue into 2023.
This is the 17th annual review since I started this blog and the prospects for the year ahead the least optimistic. Also, my apologies that it's taking me longer than ever to produce and publish individual posts.
Although overseas travel is once again possible, my impaired mobility has discouraged me from trips in 2022. To find more about overseas visits I've made in earlier years, see:-
My last visit was in 2019 (described here), after which Covid 19 prevented travel. Democratic elections in Myanmar at the end of 2020 resulted in a landslide victory for the National League for Democracy (NLD) but, on February 1st 2021 the result was repudiated by the Myanmar army who seized power alleging voter corruption. This spawned a peaceful Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) which was met with ruthless violence by the junta. Although Myanmar is a union of partially-devolved states representing different ethnic groups, there have always been Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAO) harrying central government for full independence. This has expanded to produce People's Defence Forces (PDF) or civilian militia in a number of areas to counter the agression of the junta. I would very much like to visit my friends in Myanmar (Burma) but this is not currently possible. For instance, Belmond's river cruise on the 'Road to Mandalay' ship is not currently in operation and Belmond's 'Governor's Residence' in Yangon is closed at present.
Railways the united kingdom are in a more perilous position than at any time since privatisation of government-owned British Rail was started in 1994. The deregulation of the industry was initiated in 1991 by EU Directive 91/440, which aimed to produce a more efficient rail network by creating greater competition. In my view, the result has been an unmitigated disaster, with poor service and high fares. In a normal year, I would expect to make a number of trips (mainly by rail) to various destinations in the UK. Despite most of the Pandemic restrictions being lifted, passenger numbers remained depressed, 'emergency' timetables seem commonplace, cancellations occur at short notice, and Trades Unions have regained an appetite for strikes. Rail travel remains unattractive but I persevered and made a few trips:-
New Brighton Beach: Fort Perch Rock, Lighthouse and Seatruck Ro-Ro ferry departing for Dublin (Return to New Brighton)
My visit to Croydon included a river trip on the RiverThames: The Houses of Parliament and Westminster Pier
Llandudno trip: The East Shore at Llandudno viewed from a descending Great Orme Tramway car
'A Quiet Afternoon in the Cloud Cuckoo Valley' by Rowland Emett: Science+Industry Museum, Manchester
Blackpool Tower, viewed from North Pier (Trip to Blackpool)
Preserved railways continued to be adversely affected during 2022. I continued as a member of the Old Locomotive Committee and remained a volunteer at The Battlefield Line although my activities were on a reduced scale.
The Old Locomotive Committee
The Old Locomotive Committee (OLCO) was able to orgainise the customary two events in 2022. The Annual General Meeting was held at the Museum of Liverpool where the locomotive 'Lion' is on public display on Saturday, 7th May 2022. There's s short post on my journey there here. A full report on the A.G.M. itself has been circulated to OLCO Members. The second event was 'Lionsmeet' where live-steam models of 'Lion' are run and members can meet up. In 2022, the event was hosted at the running track of Worcester and District Model Engineers, situated in Diglis, Worcester. There's a report here.
Four 'Lion' models steamed at 'Lionsmeet' 2022, Worcester. In the foreground, John Brandrick is a passenger as 'Thunderbolt' pauses, with Jon Swindlehurst waiting behind and A J Reynolds also stopped near the marquee. Meanwhile, John Dalton has the inner track to himself.
All my posts about the Old Locomotive Committee are here and you can find more information (including how to become a member) on OLCO's website here.
The Battlefield Line
New Year's Day found me on 'Foxcote Manor', carrying out the Mince Pie services. There's a report here. The next steam turn was not until June when I was on a shared turn with Adrian L, which was interrupted by a serious steam leak on the locomotive, resulting in my spending most of the day 'baby-sitting' the failed locomotive whilst a Class 33 operated the service. The full report is still in preparation but there are some pictures of the day here. Days operating the Diesel Multiple Unit are always enjoyable (and less strenuous than steam!) and I had turns on Wednesday, 10th August, Saturday 10th September and Wednesday 26th October. There are a few pictures of October working in the album here. I was supposed to operate a DMU 'Mince Pie Special' service on 30th December. Traction was changed to 'Foxcote Manor' still allocated to me but, to my immense disappointment, I succumbed to a nasty seasonal infection on Christmas Eve and was unable to perform the duty on 30th December.
'Foxcote Manor' on Mince Pie Specials (Photo: D. Mould)
Preserved Caledonian Railway 439 Class No. 419: Overall view during preparation outside Shackerstone Shed.
DMU turn, Battlefield Line, 26-Oct-2022: "Waiting for the Road" (Photo: G. Hopwood)
You can find all my posts about the Battlefield Line here.
Incidentally, you can find all my posts about Diesel Multiple Units here (or refer to the 'Index' here).
Myanma Railways
As explained in 'OVERSEAS TRAVEL' above, my last visit to Myanmar allowing study of the interesting railway system there was in 2019 and no new posts on the topic were added in 2022.
You can find all my earlier posts about Myanma Railways (in reverse date-of-posting order) here or refer to the 'Index' here.
Early in 2022, the organising committee (representing 2nd Brewood Scouts, Brewood Parish Church and the informal group Friends of Brewood Hall) met and agreed that we should, if possible, re-start the Annual Garden Party in 2022. I'm pleased to report that the event was held on 16th July 2022 and there's a report here.
Brewood Garden Party 2022
There's an album of pictures showing the 1-acre garden at Brewood Hall through the seasons in 2022 here with a separate album (covering a number of years) showing the fungi which appear annually here.
The Major Yew: Brewood Hall Garden 2022
During the year, as always, various repairs were carried out around the property. In 2022, permission was obtained from the Local Authority for tree maintenance which was carried out in July. There's an album of pictures showing the work here. Fairly extensive external repainting was carried out, repairs to the front doors and entrance porch, various roof and guttering work and some internal redecoration. You can find all my posts about Brewood Hall (in reverse date-of-posting order) here.
Ty Gwyn is a small commercial woodland around 27 hectares in area near Corwen in Wales.
I made one visit in November 2022 with Dean to see the 're-spacing' work in progress. The weather was kind. There's a report here.
Ty Gwyn 2022: Looking east from the link road showing the 2016 planting
Jan's blog will be maintained, both in her memory and also as a source of reference material in many areas of interest. New posts will be added, to continue to record the ongoing influence of Jan's work and life.
I've been an electronics engineer for over 57 years and I'm interested in travel, history, architecture, the industrial revolution, science, railways and, well, lots of things. I believe in what one of my heroes, Richard Feynman, called "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out".
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