An organising committee representing the voluntary groups involved met a number of times in the months prior to the event to arrange the details. Publicity was displayed in the village and 'flyers' delivered to houses.
Setting Up
Starting on Wednesday, 10th July the tents, tables and chairs needed were ferried in over a number of trips using a car and trailer and erection of the main tents was carried out by Ian Morris and Gary Dunbar. On Friday evening erection of the smaller tents and arranging the seating areas was undertaken by the Scouts. An event of this nature, lasting just four hours, requires a lot of commitment from those involved but the Garden Party has established itself as a popular feature of village life.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: By late Friday evening, all the tents were erected.
On Saturday morning, volunteers arrived to complete the setting-up.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Volunteers complete the setting-up on Saturday morning.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Volunteers with a remarkable range of plants readying the Plants & Produce Stall on Saturday morning.
The Craft Tent featured the work of a number of talented people, including Fern Floating Fine Art, passing through Brewood on the Shropshire Union Canal and recruited by Ian Morris to appear alongside our established local artists and crafters.

Getting ready involved so many different tasks, I was worried that we'd not be ready for the published opening at noon but, somehow, it all came together in time.
The Event
With my friend Rita on the admissions gate, assisted by Peter, our visitors started to arrive, slowly at first, then in larger numbers.

Rita at the 'gate' (Photo: G. Hopwood)

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Visitors start to arrive.
After a few words from Phil Moon, the Vicar of Brewood, the Staffordshire Corps of Drums opened the proceedings with an impressive display of precision drumming, looking splendid in black trousers, red tunics and helmets.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Staffordshire Corps of Drums perform the Official Opening.
There were the usual attractions, such as Tombola, Plants and Produce, Catapult Range, Coconut Shy and Toys and Books plus some innovations and variations such as 'Games and Names', 'Tuck Shop' and 'Crack the Code'.
The Refreshment Tent quickly became busy and remained busy. Both the local Midland Counties Co-op store and Brewood Post Office provided additional volunteers to provide welcome assistance to Beccy and the Scouts. This year, the local Spar store made a donation towards the cost of purchases for the Refreshment Tent.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: The Refreshment Tent.
Adjacent to the Refreshment Tent, Pimm's was available. The locally-brewed Slaters Ales 'One Hop' also proved popular.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: In addition to Pimm's, locally-brewed Slaters Ales 'One Hop' proved popular.
The Barbecue Tent completed the food and drink line-up. The picture shows a quiet moment as the Garden Party opened - from then on, there was no respite throughout the afternoon.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Barbecue ready for business as the Garden Party opened.
We were delighted that Chase Ferret Rescue were able to join us again. The knowledge and care displayed by their volunteers was impressive.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Chase Ferret Rescue ready to welcome visitors.
I find ferrets irresistible but not everybody relishes handling them so there was the option of walking ferrets on a lead!

Brewood Garden Party 2019: A 'paddock' adjacent to Ferret Rescue allowed children to walk ferrets on a lead.
Brewood Fire Station has 'Retained' Firefighters and they displayed their 'Big Red Fire Engine' in the drive. I was amazed at just how much specialist equipment was stowed in the many lockers and impressed by the capabilities of the computer display in the front cab which, for instance, can display a large scale map of the vehicle's current location showing adjacent Fire Hydrants. This attracted a lot of interest and we are grateful to the Fire Crew for their attendance.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Staffordshire Fire and Rescue displayed Brewood's 'big red fire engine'.
There was also a 2-foot gauge steam locomotive as a static exhibit with Ann on hand to answer questions and this proved popular.

Everyone was delighted that, once again, the two bands based at the Cannock Performing Arts Centre - Cannock Big Band and Cannock Wind Band - returned to play for us.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Cannock 'Big Band' gave another stunning performance.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Cannock 'Wind Band' once again entertained with a 30-minute 'set'.
During the afternoon, the Staffordshire Corps of Drums gave a second display, for the benefit of later arrivals who had missed the opening ceremony.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: Staffordshire Corp of Drums gave an additional performance.

Brewood Garden Party 2019: General view.
The weather remained warm but the sun was not strong, making it more pleasant to walk around or just sit and enjoy the special atmosphere Brewood Hall seems to engender. All the comments I've received have been appreciative. Grateful thanks go to all those, from the village and elsewhere, who contributed to the success of the event by giving their time, or donating prizes or items for sale.
The organising committee have distributed the proceeds to the usual supported local charities: Brewood Parish Church, 2nd Brewood Scouts and the Jan Ford Foundation, with small donations to performing organisations.
Reports on other websites
Brewood 2nd Scouts have a report here.
Reports on previous garden parties at Brewood Hall
Brewood Vintage Garden Party 2013.
Brewood Vintage Garden Party 2014.
Brewood Garden Party 2015.
Brewood Garden Party 2016.
Brewood Garden Party 2017.
Brewood Garden Party 2018.
Pictures of the event
Where necessary, clicking on an image above will display an 'uncropped' view or, alternately, pictures above may be selected, viewed or downloaded, in various sizes, from the album below:-
Brewood Garden Party 2019.