Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Traffic Movements at Sedgeley Junction 1962-1963 (Part 14)

This is one of a series of posts describing traffic movements I observed whilst unofficially working Sedgeley Junction signal box.

As described in Part 1, you can find the passenger timings here and the freight timings here. The notes are intended to go with a copy of the Train Register Book which is missing so, forty seven years later, the meaning of some of the original notes is not very clear. The original notes appear in italics with minimal editing, sometimes followed by my recent comments attempting clarification. The numbers in brackets have been added to assist in locating entries.

Sedgeley Jn. Saturday 25th May 1963

(1) T39 roars uphill with 'Super D' 9173. The load is 2 Tube wagons, vans, 5 mineral wagons and an LMR brake van.
(2) Newly-painted and shining, the Walsall parcels roars up to Dudley.
(3) Today, there's a 'Parspec' (Party Special) to Paddington, 1Z46. Apparently, there are 440 people from Ratcliffe's and Norton Harty waiting at Dudleyport Low Level for this train. We take on a '4' (Express Passenger) from Horsley Fields and are not surprised that he spends a long time in section loading at Dudleyport Low Level. Eventually, the train comes blasting up the bank - 'Lydham Manor' leading 'Granville Manor', both 'bulled up' for their trip. There's a Great Western pattern 3-character reporting number frame on the leading smokebox showing 'Z46'. The well-loaded train is mainly B.R. stock, with a W.R. Buffet Car in chocolate-and-cream and one E.R. coach. Quite a spectacle!
I can't remember any train which surprised me more than this double-headed slice of the Great Western. I think these 'Manors' were the only 'Western' tender engines I saw at Sedgeley Junction (I don't count Stanier 8Fs re-allocated to Western M.P.D.). I presume the train originated in Birmingham and came 'Empty Stock' through Swan Village, taking the Great Bridge branch to join the South Stafford at Horsley Fields.
(4) The Parcels is 46429 with a B.R. 'BG', a 4-wheel Fruit van and another B.R. 'BG'.
(5) T47 is wired to Dudley as "42 equal to 44 Stourbridge". Dudley takes the train up the 'Third Line', 8526 leading a mixed train of Cement wagons, sheeted Open wagons, Plate, 15 loads of coal and T39 banking.
There's a comment about an 'odd headlamp on the chimney'. I think this probably refers to 'Western' pattern lamp irons on 8526, allowing the use of 'Western' pattern lamps.
(6) 8430 does down with WR1 and Coil wagon, coal in steel Mineral wagons, 2 Conflats, Bogie Bolsters loaded with steel rod, an Open wagon loaded with broken beer bottles (!), 'Boplates' loaded with fabricated steelwork and a B.R. brake van.
(7) Looking towards Dudleyport, we see the 'Stockport' parcels arriving on the Down Stour - a 'Black 5' with one 'BG' and seven Vans.
(8) The Parcels runs down to Dudleyport, returning a little later with two vans off the 'Stockport' and his 'BG'.
(9) T39 goes up to Dudley with two pairs of Single Bolsters, carrying bar steel, six empty Plate wagons, one Van, 2 loaded Mineral wagons, four empty Plate wagons, one loaded 'Conflat' and an LMR brake.
(10) T47 returns from the 'Western' with 5 Tube wagons and a B.R. brake. This is a 'Special Load' which Control want at Norton Junction, not Bescot.
(11) T39 backs downhill tender-first with 4 loaded container wagons and an LMR brake.
(12) WR2 goes down. It's 8450 with a long train of EMWs (Empty Mineral Wagons) and an S.R. brake.
(13) Control advise us that "37 is coming to clear Palethorpes". Later, Control advise that WR1 is coming up, once the driver has 'dropped' three, reducing the load to 37. Apparently, the driver said that 40 was too many.
(14) Eventually, 8430 struggles up the Loop with WR1 - a train of coal and slack. 5395 (off T63) is providing banking assistance.
(15) 8766 is the engine off T37. He goes down Palethorpes, picks up 6 empty Cattle wagons and an LMR brake, leaving the sidings clear.
(16) The Omnibus Telephone circuit reveals more freight planning. WR2 is due to leave Norton Junction at 2.15 p.m. with 2 Stourport and 5 Round Oak. Great Bridge has 9 Stourport and 3 Stourbridge waiting. WR2 will pick up the waiting loads at Great Bridge and, with a combined load of only 19, will take the train up to Dudley without a banker.