About 120 people booked so they were arranged into four groups - 2.00 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. on Saturday 14th and at the same times on the Sunday.
Each group assembled in the Lounge Hall at the appointed time where there was sufficient seating for (most) people. Jan gave a talk lasting around half an hour about the history and architecture of Brewood Hall (the post Brewood Hall has some information about history and architecture).
The group was then divided into two. Jan led the first party on a tour of the principal rooms of the building, finishing in the oak-panelled Dining Room. At the same time, Marion Reeves led the second party on a tour of the Small Barn (which received a major restoration a few years ago - the post Brewood Hall Small Barn has a little more information) and the Gardens (when the weather permitted), finishing back in the Hall itself. Jan then took the second party around the principal rooms and Marion took the first party to see the Barn and Gardens.
Jan describes the Tibetan wall-hanging - 'Thangka' - on the panelling behind her in the Dining Room.
At the beginning of September, the weather had turned much colder. On the Saturday, the weather was bright, cold but mainly dry. The Sunday was dull, cold and with intermittent rain. If visitors found the weather too inclement for a tour of the Gardens, they were invited to spend additional time in the Oriental Room, which has numerous artefacts from various countries.
Everybody seemed to enjoy the event and a number of the Visitors commented that they found the tour very interesting.
No admission charge was made for these tours, but donations were invited towards the work of the Jan Ford Foundation which supports charitable initiatives in Myanmar (Burma) including a Free Medical Centre, various School Projects and a number of Orphanages. There are a number of posts describing these initiatives which can be found here.
There are a few pictures taken during these Conducted Tours in the set Tour of Brewood Hall, September 2013.
There are a number of posts which describe earlier visits to Brewood Hall:-
NADFAS visit to Brewood HallYou can find all the posts about Brewood Hall here.
Visit to Brewood by 'History Walks'
Wulfrun College Retired Staff Association visit Brewood Hall
'Inner Wheel' visit to Brewood Hall
Brewood Scouts visit Brewood Hall
Staffordshire Libraries visit to Brewood Hall
Brewood Civic Society visit to Brewood Hall