Wednesday 28 August 2024

Food supplies for three nunneries, funded by Jan - an update from Dr Hla Tun - 29 July 2024

Greetings from Yangon!

I went to NarLanDa, AungYaDaNar and Nunt San Nunneries in East Dagon (YwarTharGyi) yesterday morning.  There were 35, 20 and 45 nuns in those three respective nunneries.

The donations of food included rice, garlic, onion, peas, beans, vermicelli, eggs, seasonings, fish sauce, salt etc.

At the moment, the number of nuns was a little bit higher compared with summer  This is because the new academic year 2024-25 started on June 3 and some had returned back from their native Shan and KaYar State, before June 2024.

Please have a look the attached photos showing the distribution of food to the head nuns and younger nuns. 

The founders and nuns were very happy to receive the donation of food and they prayed for the donors and their families to be healthy, wealthy and more prosperous in these very, very difficult situations.

Yesterday was Sunday and therefore, government schools were closed but monastic schools were opened.  Almost all novices and younger nuns attend the Monastic School because nuns go outside with an alms bowl on Subbarth and Pre-Subbarth days.  They receive food, pocket money and drink from people living in their neighboring quarters.  In these months, nuns received less rice when compared with four or five months ago, due to increased prices and some local rules and regulations. Therefore, they wished to get more rice which is our main staple food. 

Subbarth and Pre-Subbarth days may be from Monday to Sunday.

Donation of food to the nuns

Nuns were having lunch with two kinds of curry only, vegetable soup and dried vegetables.  As you know, nuns only have two meals; breakfast and lunch, no dinner.  Before having lunch, they prayed.

Nuns are ready to go for attending classes by truck and some were in a truck for waiting their friends.