On Saturday, 7th July 2018, the Brewood Garden Party was held, for the sixth time, in the garden at Brewood Hall. The event is organised by 2nd Brewood Scouts, Brewood Parish Church and the informal group Friends of Brewood Hall. All of the work organising and running the event is carried out by volunteers.
As in previous years, there was an organising committee who met a number of times in the months prior to the event to ensure that visitors enjoyed their visit on the day. 'Flyers' had been distributed around the village, posters and a banner had been put up and there were announcements on social media. Erection of the tents and stalls was started on the evening of Friday, 6th July, using a different layout to previous years which proved popular.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Setting-up on Friday: Methodical erection of the craft marquee.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Setting-up on Friday: Welcome reinforcements!
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Setting-up on Friday. L-R: Band tent, Pimm's Tent, Tombola tent, Craft Tent.
Setting-up was completed on Saturday morning, following an early start, so as to be ready for the opening at noon.
The Event
The whole week had been warm and Saturday was the same. All the usual stalls and diversions were provided, plus some innovations.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Admission desk at front gates.
The Staffordshire Corps of Drums opened the proceedings with an impressive display. They admitted that, in the heat, the woollen uniforms were very uncomfortable.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: The Staffordshire Corps of Drums opened the proceedings.
The Refreshment Tent quickly became busy and remained busy. This year, the local Midland Counties Co-op store provided additional help which was very welcome.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: A wide range of snacks were available in the popular Refreshment Tent.
For the first time, local traditional butchers Maiden's offered hot dogs, burgers and frozen snacks.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Maiden's ready for business.
The Pimm's Tent, Tombola and Plants and Produce stall remained popular.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Plants and Produce Stall.
The Craft Tent featured the work of a number of local artists and crafters.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Jan with local artist Rob.
Black Country Live Steamers appeared again with two immaculate miniature traction engines and, located in the driveway, were able to give rides.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Miniature traction engines from Black Country Live Steamers.
Chase Ferret Rescue were appearing for the first time. They had brought a number of ferrets and everybody was most impressed by the quality of the accommodation provided for the ferrets and the knowledge and care displayed by their volunteers.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: The Ferret Rescue stand.
I'd never handled ferrets before and I admit I was entranced by the creatures.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Jan makes friends with a young ferret.
To appeal to our younger visitors, we had the Coconut Shy, Catapult Range and Wet Sponge Throwing together with the supervised Kids' Under-5 Zone.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: A busy time at the Kids' Under-5 Zone.
A new attraction in 2018 for children was the Toys and Sweets stall.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: View of Toys and Sweets Stall which also provided welcome shade to some visitors.
Later in the afternoon, there were Egg and Spoon and Sack Races.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Childrens' Sack Race.
Everyone was delighted that, once again, the Cannock Bands, based at the Cannock Performing Arts Centre, returned to play for us.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Cannock Wind Band performing. Because of the heat, they were not in their customary black uniforms.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: Cannock Big Band performing: The view looking towards the audience.
Finally, the Staffordshire Corps of Drums gave a second display.
Brewood Garden Party 2018: A second performance by the Staffordshire Corps of Drums.
In choosing the date for this year's garden party, the organising committee were faced with the difficult problem of trying to avoid competing attractions. What they could not have known was that the English football team would achieve a measure of success in the World Cup being played in Russia, resulting in the team having a match starting at 3.00 p.m. on the day of the garden party. A mass early exodus was anticipated with people seeking to watch the match on television. The timing of the band performances at the garden party was brought forward to help and the Scouts brought their 50-inch plasma television. This was set up in the band tent (after the band performances) and hooked-up to the Brewood Hall aerial system, allowing people to remain on site and watch the game!
England lost in their World Cup match but lots of people confirmed that the Brewood garden party had been a splendid event.
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In 2018, the Battlefield Line was closed until Easter to allow track relaying to be carried out.
Battlefield Line, early 2018: Relaying south of Headley's Crossing.
Whilst the railway was closed, in connection with testing work for an outside client, I did drive the single unit diesel railcar on a few days. This was confined to running between Shackerstone and Headley's Crossing.
My first passenger turn at the Battlefield line in 2018 was on Wednesday, 4th April, just after Easter, when the 2-car Diesel Multiple Unit was rostered. That day didn't go quite to plan and I ended up operating with the single unit diesel, as described here.
Then, I was overseas for a few weeks in Myanmar (Burma), as described in a series of posts starting at Travelling again.
So my first steam 'turn' at the Battlefield Line in 2018 wasn't until the Fish and Chip Evening Special on 9th June 2018. The popular 'Fish and Chip' trains operate on a number of dates during the year and I described an earlier 'Fish and Chip Special' (using 'Cumbria') here.
Events of 9th June 2018
Carl was rostered as driver for the five service trains during the day but he asked if I'd care to take the last round trip as he was Signalman for the evening 'Fish and Chip' train. So I was waiting on platform 2 at Shackerstone when the 'Light Prairie', 5542, arrived after the fourth round trip.
Battlefield Line, 9th June 2018: 5542 drifts into Shackerstone on the 4th service train of the day.
Carl turned the engine over to me, Tracy uncoupled and we ran around the train, pausing for water before coupling onto the train ready for the 4.15 p.m. departure to Shenton.
Battlefield Line, 9th June 2018: Carl dismounts from 5542 on arrival back at Shackerstone with the 4th service train of the day.
We operated the last round trip to Shenton and on arrival back at Shackerstone were routed into platform 1 where the main station facilities (tea room, museum and toilets) are located. There was then plenty of time to uncouple and run round, stopping to fill the side tanks at the water column on platform 2. Now hooked onto the south end of our four coach train, the engine simmered as we waited for our 80 guests to arrive.
Battlefield Line Fish and Chip Evening Dining train, 9th June 2018: Waiting for our guests to arrive.
Slowly, the train filled with our diners and at 7.00 p.m. we received the 'Right Away' from the Guard. I gently started the train away, complied with the 5 m.p.h. speed restriction on the crossover leading to the single line and collected the Single Line Staff from the Signalman. There's a 10 m.p.h. speed restriction passing through the cutting to Barton Lane road bridge but once clear of the 'slack' I only let the speed rise a little - we were in no hurry on this trip as we trundled down the line and the tantalising smell of fish and chips wafted towards us from the train.
We were not booked to stop at Market Bosworth but we slowed right down when passing through the platform, allowing staff on the train to pass a portion of fish and chips to one of our Volunteers waiting on the platform. Once the delivery had been safely made, I let speed rise a little as we passed into the gently uphill cutting section spanned by three successive overbridges which took us towards Shenton. Once clear of the cutting, the line became gently downhill on Shenton Bank with views across the Leicestershire countryside on both sides of the train.
Near Shenton's fixed distant signal, I brought the train to a gentle stop so that our diners could admire the peaceful spot as they enjoyed their meal. Whilst at a stand, the locomotive crew were also issued with fish and chips - a welcome treat!.
Tracy enjoys her fish and chips.
After ten minutes or so, we received the about 'Right Away' from the Guard and trundled into Shenton station. There was then a few minutes of activity as we uncoupled, ran round and coupled back onto the train ready for the journey back to Shackerstone. It was a warm evening, still light and many passengers came onto the platform to take photographs or simply admire the locomotive. After a while, the train staff persuaded everybody back on board and the Guard gave the 'Right Away'. We were told to take it gently to Market Bosworth and then complete the journey at Line Speed, so we were able to have an enjoyable 'romp' to complete the trip. We were routed into platform 1 and, as our happy passengers made their way back to their cars, Tracy uncoupled to the final time. It didn't take us long to shunt onto the shed and complete disposal.
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Jan's blog will be maintained, both in her memory and also as a source of reference material in many areas of interest. New posts will be added, to continue to record the ongoing influence of Jan's work and life.
I've been an electronics engineer for over 57 years and I'm interested in travel, history, architecture, the industrial revolution, science, railways and, well, lots of things. I believe in what one of my heroes, Richard Feynman, called "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out".
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