A party of 25 met up at Brewood Library at 3.30 p.m. and were conducted through the village by Michael and library staff to Brewood Hall, where the main gates had been opened, allowing the visitors to be greeted at the front door by Jan (in a Victorian dress).
The visitors gathered in a semicircle on the lawn around Michael as he told his story. Then the whole party moved round to the side of the house so that the door to the Ice House was visible for the next part of the story. Michael then led his audience into the house for the last part of the story (this was fortuitous as it was starting to drizzle).

The audience then moved into the oak-panelled Dining Room for the climax of Michael's grisly story.

The whole party, expressing their appreciation for the use of Brewood Hall, were then led back to Brewood Library, where I understand hot soup and rolls were available. Later in the evening, there was a well-attended lecture at the Library.
Brewood Library have received many favourable comments regarding this initiative, one of the most common being "When are you doing it again?"
You can read more about Brewood Hall and various events held there over the years here.
My pictures
Twilight Storytelling Walk around Brewood.