Events of Saturday, 14th April 2018

'Lion' in the 'Great Port' Gallery at the Museum of Liverpool.
This overhead view reveals the need for a bit of dusting.
Special Talk
At 12 noon, prior to the A.G.M., the Chairman introduced a special talk about ‘Lion’ entitled "The Lion's tale" which was given by historian and author Anthony Dawson. This entertaining and informative talk described the design and build of the locomotive, her various patents and gave a glimpse of engine driving life in the 1830s.

OLCO AGM 2018: Anthony Dawson giving his talk "The Lion's tale".
The A.G.M.
The 33rd Annual General Meeting of OLCO was opened by the Chairman of OLCO, John Brandrick in the Museum's Education Room 2 at 1.30 p.m. The meeting was very well attended this year and, in addition to electing a committee for the next year, there was much lively discussion about 'Lion' matters, both prototype and model. Members of the society will receive formal minutes of the proceedings. The Museum's Curator of Land Transport & Industry, Sharon Brown, was present and made OLCO Members welcome. The society is grateful to Sharon for providing the venue.

OLCO AGM 2018: The Chairman addresses the meeting.
The A.G.M. had been held at the Museum each year since 'Lion' was installed in the Great Port Gallery. There are brief reports on some earlier A.G.M. at the Museum in this blog:-
2012The Old Locomotive has its own website here.
Other posts about OLCO on this website
All my posts about OLCO and 'Lion' are here.
My OLCO Pictures
There's a small album of pictures taken on the day here.
All my pictures showing 'Lion' and OLCO events are in the collection The Old Locomotive Committee and Lionsmeet.