I made an inspection visit to Ty Gwyn on 21st November 2018 with David Adam of Fountains Forestry who manage the site. In 2016, Fountains Forestry became part of F & W Forestry Services based in Georgia, USA. The weather was overcast and quite cold. Access is via a single gate and a system of internal forest roads gives access throughout the plantation for timber lorries and similar vehicles. The southern road leads on a heading somewhat south of westerly from the gate on the eastern boundary to just short of the western site boundary. A little over halfway along the southern road, a junction leads to a short link road connecting to the northern road which runs more-or-less parallel to the southern road from just short of the western site boundary to the Pool in the east.

Ty Gwyn 2018: View from northern road looking south, with 2015 planting in the foreground and the unfelled compartment in the background.
We conducted our inspection on foot, mainly using the forest roads. Shortly after we started, we experienced sleet which, fortunately, only lasted a few minutes. Later, the sun tried to break through but it remained a poor day for photography.

Ty Gwyn 2018: David Adam looking east on northern road.
The 2010 planting impressed me with its growth in eight years.

Ty Gwyn 2018: 8-year old growth near the northern boundary.
The appearance of the Pool was much improved following maintenance work.

Ty Gwyn 2018: The Pool, looking east.
David confirmed that the progress of the 2015 planting was perfectly satisfactory although some maintenance work would probably be needed in Spring 2019.

Ty Gwyn 2018: View from northern road looking south, with 2015 planting in the foreground and 2010 panting in the rear.
My posts about Ty Gwyn
You can find all my posts about Ty Gwyn here, with links to albums of pictures.
Pictures of Ty Gwyn
Ty Gwyn 2018.
You can find all my collections of pictures of Ty Gwyn here.