Earlier in 2022, the organising committee (representing 2nd Brewood Scouts, Brewood Parish Church and the informal group Friends of Brewood Hall) met a number of times to plan the event.
Setting Up
During the two days prior to the event, the marquees, tents, tables, chairs and other items needed were brought to Brewood Hall from various locations using cars towing trailers. Brewood Scouts and other volunteers erected the tents and arranged the seating areas. On the day of the Garden Party, despite the indifferent weather, all the work was completed in time for the public to be admitted at noon. The Garden Party, lasting just four hours, requires a lot of commitment from those involved before, during and after the event.

Setting-up the event during rather indifferent weather: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

Erecting the marquees: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

Plenty of marquee space offered some defence against inclement weather: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
The Event
The weather prior to the Garden Party had been unusually cool with rain but the organisers decided that cancellation was not an option, although it was feared that, if wet, nobody would come. The morning of the garden party was a mixture of heavy rain, light rain with periods when the rain stopped and optimists cried "I think it's clearing up!". But the weather didn't improve much during the afternoon. To the relief of the organisers, at noon visitors started to arrive, seemingly determined to enjoy the event whatever the weather.
Once again, Peter Plowright was a welcoming presence on the admissions table, this time with rather limited protection from a gazebo.

Peter Plowright handled admissions: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
During the rainy periods, the refreshment tent provided plenty of tables and chairs under cover to enjoy the selection of drinks and food, ensuring the catering volunteers were kept busy throughout the afternoon. The adjacent Beer Tent offered locally-brewed Enville Ale, lager, Pimms and soft drinks and the next tent offered Burgers and Hot Dogs which proved very popular. Although the weather was less than ideal, a mobile ice-cream van made a visit during the afternoon and appeared to do reasonable business.

The Refreshment Tent was always busy: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

Enville Ale, Lager, Pimms and soft drinks at the Beer Tent: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

Burgers and Hot Dogs were available throughout: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
Young visitors were well looked after by the attractions with a large marquee with games and Tuck Shop. Outside, there was the ever-popular coconut shy, they could closely examine the locomotive 'Phoenix' (although, sadly, not in steam) and Brewood's big red Fire Engine.

A large marquee housing games and attractions for children was always busy: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

The steam locomotive 'Phoenix', although static, was popular with youngsters: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

The Fire Service displayed the impressive Brewood equipment: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
We welcomed back local group 'Hubbub' who entertained during the afternoon. As usual, there was a Tombola stall and members of the parish church had produced a wide range of Plants and Produce for sale.

'Hubbub' provided a variety of music throughout the event: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

Left: Extra refreshment stall seating, Centre: Music group 'Hubbub', Right: Tombola stall. The Hall watches all the activities impassively at Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

The Plants and Produce Stall attracted plenty of interest: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
Established favorites Chase Ferrets returned with their animals. Ferrets are part of the weasel family and were first domesticated over 2,500 years ago. Brighter Days Dog Rescue made their first appearance.

Established favorites Chase Ferrets attended again: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023

Brighter Days Rescue made their first visit: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
The Brewood Community Hub now has a wide range of activities and clubs including Baby Sling, Bouncing Bunnies, Dementia Support Group, Sewcialise and Table Tennis. Rooms are used by Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides and Brownies and are available for hire. In connection with the Community Hub Art Club, Hannah Broadhead Art arranged an extensive display of her art.

Crochet, knitting and other crafts on a Brewood Community Hub stall: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
Despite the less-than-ideal weather, all reports from visitors were encouraging. Not only did people enjoy the activities but funds were generated for the supported charitable initiatives.

Not all rain! In the background (L-R) Coconut Shy, Hot Dog Stall, Beer Tent: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2023
After the Event
The Event closed at four o'clock leaving lots of work for the volunteers. Admissions money and stall takings were counted on the day with Geoff H. then arranging refund of agreed expenses and distribution of nett proceeds to the beneficiary charities. Dismantling the stalls and Marquees was started on the day but loading up trailers and returning equipment to storage was spead over a couple of days.
Reports on previous garden parties at Brewood Hall
Brewood Vintage Garden Party 2013.
Brewood Vintage Garden Party 2014.
Brewood Garden Party 2015.
Brewood Garden Party 2016.
Brewood Garden Party 2017.
Brewood Garden Party 2018.
Brewood Garden Party 2019.
Brewood Garden Party 2022.
Related posts on other websites
2nd Brewood Scouts
Chase Ferret Rescue
Brighter Days Rescue
Pictures of the event in 2023
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Brewood Garden Party 2023