Well, it's conventional at this time of year to summarise the high spots of the year. Trouble is, as I get older, it's hard to remember earlier than last Wednesday (although odd experiences when I was about nine stand out in stark clarity). The holiday in February was definitely a high spot. Just imagine, Mexico, Ecuador, Galapagos, Chile, French Polynesia, Australia and India! The photograph above shows blue skies over the old British-built prison in Fremantle, Western Australia. For more details, refer to my travel post on this trip here).
Returning to work, 2006 became quite manic, so this took up a lot of my energy. But there was still a little time for engine driving at Peak Rail ('Royal Pioneer', technical photos here), The Battlefield Line (mainly 'Thomas the Tank' events, technical photos here) and Manchester Museum of Science and Industry ('Planet' replica, technical photos at here).
In August, I attended the annual 'Lionsmeet' event in Southport, where live steam models of 'Lion' compete (photos here). As far as the real 'Lion' is concerned, it's been a quiet year. Although I remain a member of the Old Locomotive Committee (the locomotive's supporters group), I've had to give up the task of producing the group's newsletter 'Lionsheart' because of the various demands on my time. (technical photos of 'Lion' are here).
I've also had to give up my roles on the 2-foot gauge Derbyshire Dales Railway where I've been helping for the last few years (photographs here).
During 2006, I became involved in the project to bring a 2-foot gauge live-steam locomotive, 'Phoenix', from Australia to the United Kingdom. Well, the locomotive has arrived and engineering acceptance is proceeding (more details here).
And so we approach Christmas, full of thankfulness for the good things this year and hope for the year to come.