Shenton Station: Re-timbering of facing points almost complete (Photo: Adrian Lock)
However, in early 2020, the Coronavirus Pandemic spread throughout the world and Governments closed down many normal activities in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. In the United Kingdom, the national railway network continued operations with Social Distancing Measures in place to allow essential travel, but heritage, tourist and museum railways (standard gauge, narrow gauge and miniature) were initially forced to suspend operations.
After a number of months of 'lockdown' the UK Government partially eased the restrictions and, by July 2020, 48 of these minor railways were reported by 'The Railway Magazine' as having re-opened to the public, with 'Covid Secure' precautions in place. At least 29 more lines, including the Battlefield line, planned to re-open during August.
As part of the preparations for re-opening the Battlefield Line there were two non-public days of operation, allowing re-certifications of drivers. On Saturday 19th July 2020, the diesel railcar operated a non-public service to allow re-certification of drivers on the DMU Roster. Then, on Sunday 26th July, 'Light Prairie' 5526 operated a non-public service to allow re-certification of drivers on the steam roster.
The Battlefield resumed operations with a public 2-car diesel railcar service on 1st and 2nd August 2020.

The following weekend (8th and 9th August) a Class 33 main-line diesel electric locomotive (33201) operated a public service. Finally, the first public steam service of the Covid-19 era was on Saturday 15th August when 5526 made a welcome appearance with Adrian A. driving. The following day, I was 5526's driver, ably supported by Stephen W. as fireman.

Jan, pleased to be back on the footplate at the Battlefield Line, 16-Aug-2020 (Photo: D. Mould)
Three days later on Wednesday 19th August, I was back at the railway to operate four round trips using the 2-car diesel railcar. At the end of the public services, with Ritchie M. acting as shunter, we used the DMU to move the wagons forming the demonstration freight train from the DMU siding to the running line before stabling the DMU on the DMU siding. The freight wagons were to be used the following day by Adrian L. for a photographic charter using 5526.

2-car DMU pictured at Shackerstone in 2019
Operations at Shackerstone have continued into September using 33201, 5526 and the 2-car DMU but the impact on revenues and frequently-changed public safety law and guidelines has presented serious challenges to all businesses.
Battlefield Line 2020
[Pictures updated 2-Oct-2020]