On Sunday morning, there were about twenty patients carried forward to a 'short' Sunday morning list.

Bagan Medical Clinic 29th April 2018
However, there seemed to be some more complex issues amongst them and it was after 2.00 in the afternoon before the Doctor completed the last case and took a light lunch.

During the morning, the Doctor's wife had arrived from Yangon, for we were about to start a sightseeing trip to Chin State. Earlier in the year, when I told the Doctor I was planning a trip to Chin State, he insisted he would make arrangements on my behalf. The kind monk who manages the clinic has friends in Chin State so it had been decided that the monk, Doctor Hla Tun, his wife and I would make the visit in the Monastery/Clinic car, with one of the monastery drivers.
The Doctor made up a large box of medication to take with us and we set off on the familiar road to Nyaung Oo. After Nyaung Oo, we headed north east on the Myitnge Road and the road was new to me. Photography from a moving car is rarely satisfactory so I confined myself to making shaky notes which I still have to decipher. We crossed the Ayeyarwaddy on the Pakokku Bridge, a long multi-span truss design which I'd sailed under when aboard 'Road to Mandalay'. Before Pakokku itself, we turned left onto the road to Kalay, some 376 km distant.
It was dark before we arrived at our destination for the night which turned out to be Sel Tan Oo Monastery where our monk had arranged accommodation overnight. In the large assembly room where monks have their meals, a corner had been temporarily screened-off and two large mosquito nets had been erected, one for me, one for the Doctor and his wife. A pillow and blanket had been provided for each of us.

Our sleeping accommodation in Sel Tan Oo Monastery, with Mosquito nets deployed.
The only problem? Monastery life started at 4 a.m. the following morning with the sounding of a deep-toned wooden bell just outside.
Related posts on this website
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My pictures
Bagan Medical Clinic and into Chin State
All my pictures on this trip to Myanmar can be found at Burma 2018.
[Pictures linked 10-May-2018, pictures inserted 28-May-2018]