After a pleasant breakfast at the hotel, the charming man from Care Myanmar picked us up to take us to the distribution at Hlaing Drop In Centre. With almost 400 children attending this distribution, there is insufficient room for them inside the Drop In Centre itself so, in previous years, collapsible sun shelters have been erected in the field adjacent to the D.I.C. building. But, in 2018, the shelters had been erected on the narrow concrete road outside the D.I.C., leaving a narrow space at one side to allow pedestrians and motor cycles passage. The expectant children were quietly waiting on groundsheets laid under the shelters which were topped with green woven plastic sheeting as a sun screen. I was amused to note that, to prevent the sheeting from sagging, a number of 'U'-shaped lengths of rebar (steel reinforcing bar) had been laid across the framework. Staff and volunteers were busy distributing snacks to the children.

Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C.
There were a number of Outstanding Students who were presented with a modest extra reward of stationery by way of encouragement.

Distribution to Outstanding Students at Hlaing D.I.C.
We then moved outside for the main presentations. A 'stage' had been built at the front, filled with shoulder bags containing the items being distributed. Each distribution comprised school uniform, exercise books, pencils or pens placed in a colourful shoulder bag. However, the exact contents depended upon age and sex of the recipient. The uniforms differ between boys and girls and differ with age (primary school boys start with short trousers but then move to the male version of the longyi). Primary school children only use pencils but older pupils use ballpoint pens.
A sound system with a radio microphone had been provided but did not seem to be working correctly so we switched to a battery-operated bullhorn. The Doctor invited me to give a short address so, using the bullhorn, I delivered my homily on the importance of education (in short sections, pausing to let the Doctor translate before continuing).

Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C. - the Doctor translates Jan's address.
Next, we had the actual distribution. Volunteers were on hand firstly to check the 'admission ticket' of each child, then to ensure that the Doctor and I placed the correct type of shoulder bag over the student's head. Where children were still clutching the snacks they'd been given, we tried to add them to the shoulder bag to prevent loss. Each child was then allowed to select a lottery ticket which they then examined to look for the all-important 'tick' which indicated that they'd won a towel. In a few rather hectic minutes, we'd handed out most of the 386 bags.

Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C.
There was then a much quicker presentation of towels to the winners. Because the staff had been included in the lottery, a few of the towels went to delighted staff.

Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C. - lottery winners receive White Towels.
As the children left, all the staff assembled on the steps of the D.I.C. for the staff group picture.

Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C. - Staff and volunteers
We then moved inside the D.I.C. where a group of mainly elderly local residents had assembled for the selection of reading glasses from a collection which had been donated. This wasn't a very scientific process - the local people simply picked a pair whose style they liked which improved their ability to read one of a number of newspapers provided.

Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C. - selection of reading glasses
By this time, the 'stage' (actually a series of long benches) had been dismantled and loaded onto a motor cycle taxi which was just setting off the return them, probably to a school.

Hlaing is a very poor area and there are a number of noted 'Poor Houses' where elderly and disabled people eke out a subsistence with the help of charity from local people. We visited a number of very basic bamboo shacks where the Doctor and I made donations of clothing and money. There is no Social Care 'safety net' in Myanmar.

Visiting 'Poor Houses' in Hlaing District of Mawlamyine
We were then driven to our hotel to check-out before moving on to the Care Myanmar offices. The staff kindly placed a sleeping mat and pillow on the office floor so that I could lie down for a while and that revived me.

Care Myanmar Offices, Mawlamyine
Our last distribution was at the 'Future Generation' Drop in Centre in another part of Mawlamyine.

Distribution at 'Future Generation' D.I.C.
Again, the staff and most of the children were unchanged since the previous year. I gave a short address, translated by the Doctor then we made a few presentations to outstanding students. The lottery for towels followed, as always causing great amusement.

Distribution of White Towels at 'Future Generation' D.I.C.
At this D.I.C., the distributions had been packed in plastic bags, so I generally only had to present the bag to each student.

Distribution at 'Future Generation' D.I.C.
The students then changed into their new uniforms for a series of 'Group Shots', taken in the street outside, lit by the late afternoon sun. As always, it was a very jolly affair.

Distribution at 'Future Generation' D.I.C. - the Group Shot
We enjoyed dinner at a tea-shop with two of the local staff.

Evening meal in Mawlamyine
There was then just time to pay respects at the Kyaik Thote Pagoda in Mawlamyine before heading to the Bus Terminal to catch the 9.0 p.m. bus to Yangon. With one stop for toilets and refreshments, we were back at Yangon's Eastern Long Distance Bus Terminal by about 3.30 a.m. on Wednesday. A taxi took us to the Doctor's house in less than half an hour. Despite having slept well on the bus, I happily slept for a few more hours at the Doctor's house after a wonderful but very tiring few days in Mon State.
Total Distributions in Mon State 2018
Drop in Centre | Number |
Ko Dut (total) | 341 |
Mudon (total) | 191 |
Hlaing | 386 |
Future Generation | 130 |
Total | 1048 |
Related posts on this website
This is one of a series of posts describing my 13th visit to Myanmar. The post Travelling again is the first post in the series.
Clicking on the 'Next report' link will show the post describing the next events. In this way, you may read about the trip in sequence.
Next post.
Alternately, clicking on the 'All my Burma-2018 reports' link displays all the posts on this trip in reverse date-of-posting order.
All my Burma-2018 reports.
My pictures
Distribution at Hlaing D.I.C.
Distribution at 'Better Futures' D.I.C.
Kaung Myat Hotel, Mawlamyine (2017 pictures)
Care Myanmar Offices, Mawlamyine (2017 pictures)
All my pictures on this trip to Myanmar can be found at Burma 2018.
[Pictures linked 10-May-2018: Pictures inserted 28-May-2018: Naming corrected 25-Feb-2019]