A Recent Timeline
By 2006, the whole plantation was mature and, but for depressed timber prices, would have been harvested.

View of the entrance to the plantation in 2006.
Timber prices recovered by 2009 and around half of the plantation was harvested.

View of the entrance to the plantation in 2010 with harvesting in progress to the left of the road.
In 2010, the harvested area was replanted.

Around 6 months after planting, the trees were already well-established.
In 2014, a further 10 hectares were harvested. The picture below shows this harvesting in progress to the right of the entrance with the area to the left (replanted 2010) growing well.

View of the entrance to the plantation during harvesting in 2014.
In November, 2015 the recently-felled area was replanted.

Ty Gwyn, November 2015, Cell grown sitka (1 of 18,000) a few days after planting.
The picture below shows the entrance to the plantation in August 2017. The sturdy trees on the left have had seven growing seasons, those on the right barely two. In the background, there are mature trees not yet harvested.

View of the entrance to the plantation in 2017.
Visit to Ty Gwyn on Tuesday, 1st August 2017
Rob MacCurrach, the Forester who'd managed the plantation for some years, was retiring and so this visit was to thank Rob for his efforts and meet his successor, Tegwyn Hughes. The weather was overcast, not too warm and it rained periodically but the three of us spent a couple of hours inspecting the site and discussing future actions to ensure that the crop continues to flourish.

Ty Gwyn 2017: Rob MacCurrach (L) and Tegwyn Hughes (R) examining the 2015 planting.
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