We left Thursday Island around 5.00 p.m. Thursday and cautiously made our way through the channels to the open sea, with the Port Pilot on board to assist the Captain.

Welcome Cocktails were served in the Lounge at 7.00 p.m. with the Captain, Hakan Admarker, and Officers and Senior Crew. We then adjourned to the Welcome Dinner at 7.30 p.m. in the Dining Room on Deck 2.
At Sea: Friday, 30th January 2015
We spent the whole day heading across the Arafura Sea towards our next destination, Agats in Indonesia in the area called 'Asmat'. The day was enlivened by various presentations and a special showing of the film ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. As we were heading west, clocks and watches had to be moved back by one hour before Saturday morning.
Arrival at Syuru, Indonesia: Saturday, 31th January 2015
Port Moresby had been in Papua New Guinea. We were heading for Syuru Village in the 'Asmat' area of west New Guinea which is part of Indonesia. Indonesia incorporates numerous ethnic groups. The Asmat are one of these groups with a population of perhaps 70,000 who live in an area of west New Guinea also called ‘Asmat’. We were told that the village we were to visit, Syuru, is typical of Asmat villages in the area. It is situated on the banks of Teluk Flamingo, some miles from the open sea, requiring careful attention to the tides and cautious navigation to avoid grounding. In addition to the Echo Sounding Depth Measuring equipment on the ship, one of the ship’s Zodiacs, temporarily fitted with electronic depth measuring equipment, was dispatched ahead of the ship to check the safety of the intended course.
It was already afternoon when we final moored mid-river a few hundred yards from Syuru. First of all, members of the expedition crew went to the village by Zodiac to confirm arrangements with support staff from Noble Caledonia’s Ground Support company and with people from the village. Disembarkation was arranged for Port side cabins first and then for Starboard side cabins. By the time I actually set off by Zodiac from the ship it was well after 4.00 p.m.

Next time, I’ll described our time in the village. You can find all the posts on this trip here.
My pictures
[Pictures and links to pictures added 17-Feb-2015]