Thursday 18 September 2014

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

"Avast, me hearties!"

The 19th of September is 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'. You didn't know? I've only just found out. The official website is here.

"Look lively, ye bilgerats!"

There's background on Wikipedia here.

"Aaaarrrr, Matey"

The useful site '' has a feature on the event here.

"Aaaarrrr, Jim lad, there be Treasure Island!"

The "patron saint" of International Talk Like a Pirate Day is the English actor Robert Newton, for his creation of the one-legged, swivel-eyed pirate Long John Silver in the 1950 Walt Disney film Treasure Island.

"Shape yerselves, ye loathsome landlubbers!"

It appears that exposure to the film years ago had more of an effect than I realised. Apparently, one of my comedy heroes Tony Hancock regarded Robert Newton as a 'role model' and was certainly known to effect the 'pirate voice' on occasion.

"Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight"

"That's me parrot yer scabby idiot, not me: I'll see ye walk the plank for that"