Through the courtesy of the Museum's Curator of Land Transport & Industry, Sharon Brown, this was the third time that the A.G.M. had been held at the Museum. There's are brief reports on the A.G.M. in 2012 here and the A.G.M. in 2013 here.
On the day of the 2014 OLCO A.G.M., the Museum was also hosting an International Conference titled The Un-Straight Museum. The conference ran in conjunction with a year-long exhibition at the Museum titled April Ashley: Portrait of a lady. It was also the weekend of the The International Mersey River Festival: On The Waterfront (the music for which provided various 'noises off' from time to time).
The A.G.M. was accommodated in Education Room 2 on the first floor. Sharon had provided tea, coffee and biscuits for which members were very grateful. The Chairman of OLCO, John Brandrick, opened the formal A.G.M. at 1.00 p.m. and welcomed those attending. The Agenda items were dealt with promptly and the Election of Officers (once again) resulted in no changes to those serving in the previous year. There was lively discussion during 'Any Other Business' and the Chairman closed the meeting at 3.05 p.m. Members of the Old Locomotive Committee will receive formal minutes of the proceedings in due course.

The 30th A.G.M. in progress.
Those attending then moved to the Great Port Gallery, where 'Lion' is on display, for technical discussions and a group photograph. We couldn't help noticing that the audio-visual presentations about 'Lion' (briefly described in an earlier post here), had stopped, although they'd been working in the morning.

Alan, John, Jan, Jon, David, Sharon and John in front of 'Lion'.
The Old Locomotive Committee (an introduction to 'Lion' and OLCO).
All my posts about OLCO activities are here.
More on other websites
Lion & Old Locomotive Committee (the website of the Old Locomotive Committee).
My Pictures
OLCO A.G.M. 2014.
All my pictures showing OLCO events are in the collection The Old Locomotive Committee and Lionsmeet