Tuesday, 11 June 2013

A Sunday in the Peak District

On Sunday 9th June 2013 I was rostered as Steam Driver at Peak Rail. The operation was the customary top-and-tail with D8 diesel-electric (brief description here) at the north end and the six-coupled 'Austerity' named 'Lord Phil' at the south end. Chris was Fireman and Dave was Cleaner. Unusually, we had no 'Driving Experience' candidates prior to the first train at 11:15, so the steam locomotive was not needed until later than normal.

A Craft Fair was being held at Rowsley and, this time, the weather was kind so the stall holders had a much better time in the marquee at Peak Park - earlier in the year, the winds were so severe, the outdoor stalls became impractical and the Fair had to be squeezed into the station buildings. On the 9th June, the Derbyshire Dales Narrow Gauge Railway was running as a further attraction.

Chris standing beside 'Lord Phil' on arrival at Matlock Town.

We had no difficulties during the day although we were running with a seven-coach train. The 'Exhibition Coach' (a converted 'BG' bogie brake) had been added to the usual rake of six. This coach has an attractive display of photographs giving information about volunteer activities at the railway in order to encourage passengers to consider becoming members.

I was told that the new signalling at Matlock Riverside had been completed and it was only a matter of completing staff training before the facilities could be commissioned.

Matlock Riverside Signal Box. The lever frame is just visible through the windows.

A professionally-built wooden Waiting Room had been installed on our platform at Matlock Town and, although as yet unpainted, everybody agreed that it was a handsome addition.

New Waiting Room at Matlock Town.

'The Usual Suspects' try out the new Waiting Room.

My pictures

New Station Building at Peak Rail.
'Lord Phil'.
Resignalling at Matlock Riverside.