One of my early customers was a delightful English eccentric whose office was a large barn next to his house which had once served as a Games Room. I was very taken with his unusual premises, but didn't realise that, one day, my own offices would be a barn next to my home.
My own barn was semi-derelict until a few years ago. The main house is over 350 years old and has needed a lot of attention over the years. There is also a large barn which has had some work carried out. So the second, smaller barn has had a lower priority for conservation. But, during a spell of particularly windy weather, part of the roof of the small barn collapsed. I knew that plans must be brought forward to preserve the Grade II listed structure. This dilemma co-incided with changes at my business premises, a few miles away. The premises had become rather large for our needs and the opportunity arose to sell. So, a sale was agreed and part of the proceeds was used to fund the elaborate work necessary to bring the small barn into use as offices.
The move has been a great success and visitors invariably admire our unusual premises.
For pictures of the restoration project click here and for pictures of the result click here.