The previous garden party had been in 2019 and, although intended to be annual, planned events in 2020 and 2021 had been cancelled because of the Covid19 pandemic. Early in 2022, the organising committee (representing 2nd Brewood Scouts, Brewood Parish Church and the informal group Friends of Brewood Hall) met and agreed that we should, if circumstances allowed, run the event in 2022. A series of meetings were held in the following months to plan the details.
As in previous events, a 'flyer' was printed and distributed to households around Brewood by the Scouts. In 1922, the local free magazine 'Villager' published an illustrated article in their June edition.
Setting Up
On the evenings of Thursday 14th July and Friday 15th July, the marquees, tents, tables, chairs and other items needed were brought to Brewood Hall from various locations using cars towing trailers. Brewood Scouts and other volunteers erected the tents and arranged the seating areas. This work was completed on the morning of the Garden Party, with the children's games, refreshment tent and temporary electrics being completed in time for the public to be admitted at noon. The Garden Party, lasting just four hours, requires a lot of commitment from those involved before, during and after the event.

Just some of the materials brought in on trailers for the event: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2022

One of the tubular-framed marquee being erected: Brewood Hall Garden Party 2022
A Little Local Difficulty
Two days before the event, the writer tested positive for Covid19. I'd had the three inoculations specified for a person of my age at the time and it was the first time I'd contracted Covid so it was a bit of a surprise. Not wishing to be the cause of a "Brewood Super-spreader Event" I realised that I would be self-isolating in Brewood Hall during the Garden Party, just able to watch through the windows! So my report is rather second-hand this time and largely relies on pictures taken by others. My infection was fairly benign with symptoms similar to a bad cold persisting for a little over a week.
The Event
The weather leading up to the Garden Party had been unusually hot, giving rise to the fear that the event might be unpleasantly warm. On the morning of the Garden Party, there had been a very brief, light shower after which the weather became perfect with bright sun, warm but not oppresive.
Peter Plowright was a welcoming presence on the admissions table throughout the afternoon.

Peter Plowright manning the Admission Desk: Brewood Garden Party 2022
The event was opened by the Staffordshire Corps of Drums, in their impressive, colourful ceremonial uniforms, with a precision, musical display.

The event opened with a display by Staffordshire Corps of Drums: Brewood Garden Party 2022
The Refreshment Tent, with its selection of drinks and food, quickly became a focus and remained well-patronised throughout the afternoon.

Some of the volunteers from Brewood Post Office and Brewood Co-op who helped to staff the Refreshment Tent: Brewood Garden Party 2022
The ideal weather encouraged visitors to relax in the open air at the numerous tables outside the Refreshment Tent or wander around the variety of stalls.

Brewood Garden Party 2022
For a number of years, the Cannock Performing Arts Centre provided music at the Brewood Garden Party with two talented bands. Their activities had not yet recovered from the malign effects of the Covid Pandemic and they were unable to appear in 2022. However, we were able to welcome a local group, Hubbub, on their first public appearance and, with guitars and keyboard, they provided mellow music during the afternoon well-matched to the relaxed mood of the event.

A newly-formed local group, Hubbub, provided mellow music at Brewood Garden Party 2022
For the first time, Greensforge Sailing Club (who are based at the nearby Gailey water reservoir) displayed the popular RS Tera dinghy they use for training. This created a lot of interest.

The popular RS Tera dinghy displayed by Greensforge Sailing Club at Brewood Garden Party 2022
Also for the first time, local charity Bethany Children's Home, based in Wombourne, had a stall to promote their work in connection with the orphanage they built in Dhading, Nepal.

Bethany Children's Home stall: Brewood Garden Party 2022
In 2019, a Pizza Van had been a popular innovation. In 2022 Al's Pizzas offered wood-fired pizzas from a striking customised van parked on the grass just outside the entrance.

Al's Pizzas: Brewood Garden Party 2022
The Village Pantry provided a stall and, in addition, a mobile ice-cream van made a visit.

The Village Pantry Stall at Brewood Garden Party 2022
The beer tent made a welcome return and was kept busy, offering cold soft drinks, lager, Pimms and, until stocks ran out, Greene King's craft 'Level Head' ale.

The Beer Tent: Brewood Garden Party 2022
We were pleased to welcome back Chase Ferret Rescue, with their attractive animals. Some readers may be unaware that Cannock Chase (or simply 'the Chase') is a nearby area historically connected to Brewood.

Dean and ferret friend: Brewood Garden Party 2022
This was the first Garden Party since the opening of Brewood Community Hub and they provided a stall to display the variety of activities on offer there. They advertise regular clubs called Baby Sling, Art Club, Bouncing Bunnies, Dementia Support Group, Sewcialise, Weight Watchers, Yoga, Table Tennis. Rooms are used by Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides and Brownies and are available for hire for children’s parties or meetings.

The Sewing Club at Brewood Community Hub: Brewood Garden Party 2022
Once again, Brewood Parish Church provided an imposing Plants and Produce Stall, which was sited along the front elevation of the Hall.

Plants and Produce stall: Brewood Garden Party 2022
A wide range of prizes was on offer for the lucky winners at tombola.

Tombola prizes displayed behind the tombola drum: Brewood Garden Party 2022
Our many younger visitors were well-catered for. The ever-popular Coconut Shy was kept busy, as were 'Hook-a-Duck' and Teddy Tombola. There was a colourfully-decorated Tuck Shop, a Book Stall and a 'Soft Archery' range.

The ever-popular Coconut Shy: Brewood Garden Party 2022

Tuck Shop: Brewood Garden Party 2022

'Hook-a-Duck' and Teddy Tombola: Brewood Garden Party 2022

Archery for Children using arrows tipped with rubber suckers: Brewood Garden Party 2022
As in 2019, the 2-foot gauge steam locomotive 'Phoenix' appeared as a static exhibit, this time with smoke curling from the distinctively-shaped chimney.

'Phoenix' at Brewood Garden Party 2022
As an innovation in 2022, John Groves, a local farmer, displayed a classic farm tractor for young people to admire.

John Groves, a local farmer, displayed a classic tractor: Brewood Garden Party 2022
A section of the front lawn had been marked out with a series of parallel white lines, forming a short running track, allowing a number of Children's Races, with small prizes, to be held during the event.
After the Event
The Event closed at four o'clock but, of course, there was still lots of work for the volunteers. Admissions money and stall takings were counted on the day by Marion and the writer with Geoff then arranging refund of sums advanced by volunteers and distribution of nett proceeds to the benefiicary charities.

Brewood Hall Garden Party 2022: Marion counting cash
Dismantling the stalls and Marquees was started on the day but loading up trailers and returning equipment to storage was spead over a couple of days.

Brewood Hall Garden Party 2022: Dismantling marquees after the event
It was naturally disappointing that Covid prevented me from attending the eighth Brewood Hall Garden Party but I was touched that members of the organising committee afterwards presented me, as current chatelaine of Brewood Hall, with a magnificent floral display.

Brewood Hall Garden Party 2022: The writer, as owner of Brewood Hall, was presented with a magnificent bouquet
Reports on previous garden parties at Brewood Hall
Brewood Vintage Garden Party 2013.
Brewood Vintage Garden Party 2014.
Brewood Garden Party 2015.
Brewood Garden Party 2016.
Brewood Garden Party 2017.
Brewood Garden Party 2018.
Brewood Garden Party 2019.
Related posts on other websites
2nd Brewood Scouts
Greensforge Sailing Club
Chase Ferret Rescue
Pictures of the event
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Brewood Garden Party 2022