In 2019, the Battlefield Line 'Santa Special' trains between Shackerstone and Shenton were, once again, of two types, run alternately - the 'Classic' train with vestibule stock and the 'First Deluxe' train with corridor compartment stock. On the 'Classic' train, Santa's Helpers take groups of passengers, in turn, to see Santa Claus in his Grotto (housed in a Full Brake, code 'BG'), where the children receive a Christmas present. On the 'First Deluxe' service, families or groups book a private compartment with a Christmas Hamper of food, drink and Christmas Crackers and are visited by Santa distributing presents.
Events of Sunday 1st December 2019
The season had started the previous day, when light Prairie 5542 had operated two 'Classic' services, leaving Shackerstone at noon and 2.00 p.m. On the Sunday, 5542 operated three 'Classic' services at ten o'clock, noon and 2.00 p.m. When I arrived at the locomotive shed a little before 6.00 a.m. it was still completely dark and with a heavy frost but, fortunately, dry. So I set about the familiar routine of oiling-round and examining 5542 whilst, following the usual checks on the boiler, Stephen W. who was firing commenced steam-raising.
Jan carrying out the 'daily exam' on 5542 (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019).
By nine o'clock, daylight had appeared and smoke was drifting above the shed roof
"By nine o'clock, daylight had appeared and smoke was drifting above the shed roof" (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
On such a cold morning, it was a priority to couple-onto our 5-coach train stabled in platform 2 and start steam heating the stock prior to the arrival of our passengers. By 9.30 a,m, we were 'hooked-on' and steam was starting to warm the train.
5542 steam heating the stock prior to the arrival of passengers (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019).
Santa Specials to Shenton are deliberately leisurely, to give time for our visitors to be conducted from the train to Santa's Grotto, housed in the 'BG' at the north end of the train. Usually, there's a brief stop at Market Bosworth and, depending upon how many children Santa has to see, there may be a stop on Shenton Bank, just before the end of the line, giving good views over the Leicestershire countryside on both sides of the line. At Shenton, the locomotive runs round its train ready for the return journey. Depending on the train loading, the return journey is often at reduced speed as far as Market Bosworth to give Santa time to see all the children. From there to Shackerstone, Line Speed is often authorised.
Arrival back at Shackerstone is usually into platform 2. Provided the signalman has authorised passing the Stop Board just prior to the platform ramp at the north end, the train is stopped with the engine blocking the foot crossing but with the leading coach just clear of the crossing. With a 5-coach train, it may not be possible to take water from the column at the south end of of platform 2 unless the train is stopped as described. Of course, until the locomotive has uncoupled and drawn clear, passengers have to wait on platform 2 before they can use the foot crossing to return to platform 1 and the exit to the car park since the footbridge is not currently used by passengers, although it is in use as part of a public footpath.
As we ran-round after the first trip to Shenton, I paused briefly in platform 1 and, noticing the bright sunshine, took a picture of our popular locomotive.
December sunshine provides an attractive view of 5542 (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
Our second and third trips proceeded without problems and we finished the day having helped to provide a lot of visitors with a good day out. As our last passengers made their way back to the car park, we still had disposal to carry out (filling the boiler with water, removing serious clinker, leaving a low fire to enable the boiler to cool slowly, closing all required cocks, looking for any mechanical problems and completing paperwork on the day). A scotch was set under the left driving wheel and the chimney cover put in place (to slow boiler cooling) then, with one last picture of 5542 in the afternoon gloom of the shed, we could lock the shed for the night.
Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019
Events of Sunday 15th December 2019
This time, I was on 'Wightwick Hall', booked to make just two runs with the 'First Class De Luxe', alternating with 5542 making three round trips with the 'Classic'. Mike S. was acting a fireman, giving instruction to one of our young trainees. It was my first turn on a 'modified Hall' although, some years ago, I had 'Dumbleton Hall', one of the earlier builds of this successful class, which we used at Birmingham Railway Museum for a while on footplate experience courses.
I oiled round the outside but 5542 was still occupying the pit since he was taking the first train. Once 5542 had moved off-shed and we'd sufficient pressure, we moved back onto the pit and Mike and I shared the oiling-round underneath. When that was complete, we drifted off-shed and onto our waiting train in platform 1 so that we could start steam heating the train before our passengers arrived (the morning was pretty cold).
6989 'Wightwick Hall' at Shackerstone on the 'First De Luxe' service (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
Although the 'modified Halls' were originally fitted with a flat-sided tender, they frequently became swopped with Churchward tenders with the flared top, which I think looks better. 6989 is paired with a riveted Churchward tender in lined B.R. green livery with the earlier British Railways "Lion astride a mangle wheel" totem. Coupled to B.R. 'Mark I' coaches in maroon (and with the leading vehicle bearing a carriage headboard marked "SANTA'S SPECIAL DELUXE TRAIN") it was very nostalgic.
6989 is currently paired with a Churchward-pattern tender and is shown carriage warming on the 'First De Luxe' service (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
The two-port slide-valve smokebox regulators used on larger Great Western locomotives are usually the best you can find but, at present, the one on 6989 is a bit curious and tends to be "all or nothing". The locomotive is also partway through a programme to replace the springs on the coupled axles and this, combined with the regulator behaviour, gives the engine a disconcerting tendency to 'lose its feet' and slip. Once on the road, however, 'Wightwick Hall' shows her Great Western lineage and is a willing performer. The restoration from scrapyard condition over a period of 40 years is a major achievement.
The view below shows the standardised layout of the driving controls on the right side of the cab.
6989 'Wightwick Hall': Driver's vacuum brake application valve with small ejector steam cock (above), large ejector steam cock (right) and blower valve (below right) (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
On the first run to Shenton, the steel steam heating pipe running under the first coach 'sprang a leak' and we had to cease heating. Once we'd run round at Shenton, we decided to resume heating, since we should be able to warm most of the train although steam would be escaping from what was now the rear of the train.
Arriving back at Shackerstone, we were asked if we could fetch the 'GUV' bogie vehicle from the DMU siding to a position just outside platform 1 so that "Santa's Helpers" could offload more presents to replenish Santa's Sack. This gave me the opportunity to a take the rather odd view of 6989 apparently 'boxed-in' between its train and the 'GUV'
6989 'Wightwick Hall' shunted the 'GUV' to just outside platform 1 to allow Santa's presents to be off-loaded (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
With the presents unloaded, we propelled the 'GUV' back to the DMU Siding and then rejoined our train. In the meantime, Simon P. had 'lagged' the failed steam heating pipe, allowing us to provide warmth to the train.
Passengers boarding the second First De Luxe service of the day (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
When 5542 arrived back after his second round trip, we were able to leave on our second trip to Shenton.
6989 'Wightwick Hall' at Shackerstone ready to leave with the second 'First De Luxe' service, showing driver's view ahead (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
By the time we'd completed our leisurely trip to Shenton and run round, it was already dusk. I've had tinsel-draped engines at Christmas many times, but 6989 was the first I've had with working fairy lights!
6989 at Shenton with LED fairy lights (Battlefield Line Santa Specials 2019)
By the time we arrived back at Shackerstone, it was dark. I didn't envy the crew on 5542 as they set off on their third and final trip to Shenton. We expected to have to shunt onto the other end of our train and propel it out of the way to the north end. But, in a welcome change of plan, we were told a diesel shunter would do that and we could go straight onto shed for disposal.
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On Thursday, 21st November 2019, I attended the Second UKRRIN Annual Conference which was held at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. There's a post about the event here
Getting there
I took the first bus from Brewood to Wolverhampton and walked to the railway station, where the new station building (now with black cladding visible) is taking shape. I reached platform 4 in time for the doors of the Cross-Country 'Voyager' to shut in front of me. Realising I wouldn't get across to bay platform 5 in time for the 'all stations' Birmingham service which would depart right behind the Cross-Country train I'd missed, instead I crossed to platform 2 to wait for the West Midlands Trains Crewe-Euston stopping service ten minutes later. That was running a few minutes late and it seemed obvious that it threatened to delay the approaching Down Liverpool (not running late) which was also due to use platform 2 (but in the opposite direction). To my puzzlement, the public address system continued to advise that my train would arrive at platform 2 but, finally, it announced the obvious platform change to the adjacent platform 3, freeing-up platform 2 for the Liverpool train.
At least I managed to squeeze into a seat on the crowded Euston stopping service (which wouldn't have been possible on the Cross-Country service since most of their sets run around with just 4-coaches, ensuring crush-loading for large sections of each journey). Despite the Euston stopping train only having one stop before Birmingham New Street (at Smethwick Galton Bridge), our journey was rather slow. I assumed that this was because we were following the 'all stations' which had left Wolverhampton immediately after the Cross-Country train. At Birmingham New Street, we were run into platform 1, which put paid to my hope of using the footbridge at the north end of the station to make a quick exit through the old Navigation Street Exit because the north end footbridge doesn't serve platform 1. So it was the usual route march to get into the street.
Then, an interesting ten-minute walk to my destination, initially following the route of the dual tram lines on the not-yet-ready extension of the West Midlands Metro from 'Grand Central' (actually New Street Station) to Centenary Square. This is Phase 1 of the 'Westside Extension' which will no doubt be as delayed as the first extension from Snow Hill to Grand Central which finally opened in 2016. Phase 2 of the extension will run along Broad Street to Hagley Road, Edgbaston. I have vivid memories, as a child, of the original Birmingham Corporation Tramways, built to a gauge of 3 feet 6 inches, which stopped running in 1953.
Birmingham Tram in Corporation Street (Photo Villafanuk [CC BY-SA 3.0 (])
At Victoria Square, the unfinished tram route runs along what was Paradise Street, so I turned right to take the pedestrian route to Centenary Square, leaving Birmingham Town Hall on my left. This much-loved hall dates from 1834 and is listed Grade 1.
The Town Hall, Victoria Square, Birmingham in January 2016 (Birmingham)
I couldn't seem much of the Council House (listed, Grade II*) because the whole of Victoria Square was occupied by the continental-looking wooden buildings of The Frankfurt Christmas Market, Birmingham. This wan't due to open until 10 a.m. that day and an army of cleaners were dealing with the debris from the previous night's trading. My route then continued between two parallel rows of Heras fencing, screened by colourful sheets, dividing two building sites. From 1974 to 2013 this was the site of Birmingham Central Library. I was not a fan of the 'Brutalist' design, in the form of an 'inverted ziggurat' but I often used its excellent reference library.
Demolition of Birmingham Central Library, Birmingham in January 2016. The Chamberlain Fountain is on the left (Birmingham)
Undistinguished new office blocks have risen on either side of the pedestrian route but building work is still ongoing. A little further on (past the forbidding-looking Copthorne Hotel) I arrived at Centenary Square, named in 1989 in honour of Birmingham's 100-years as a city. It was intended that the dignified Hall of Memory, in Portland Stone and listed Grade I, would become the focus of a grand complex of civic centre buildings, but only Baskerville House was ever built, serving the city from 1936 until 1998 then lying unused until purchased by Targetfollow. Converted into office accommodation and with two extra floors added, it reopened in 2007.
And so I arrived at the Post-Modern Library of Birmingham, opened in 2013 at a cost of around 188 million pounds Sterling. Despite its appearance ("three large boxes with a hatbox on top decorated with wheels"), it's generally been well-received. I'd better defer judgement until I discover how well it works as a library. The 2013-vintage library building is 'joined at the hip' with the 1971-vintage building of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre by the shared foyer, in what I find an uneasy juxtaposition. Theatre and Library are not just physically linked: Unique Venues Birmingham is a joint initiative between Birmingham Repertory Theatre and the Library of Birmingham promoting wider use of the facilities.
Centenary Square, with L: Birmingham Repertory Theatre, R: Library of Birmingham (Birmingham, November 2019)
I readily admit I'm so old-fashioned, I even find the Repertory Theatre's 1971-design a bit modern but remember, when I was young I went to a few performances at the original theatre in Station Street. There's a useful history on the Music Hall and Theatre History site here. The original building is now owned and managed by the Birmingham Ormiston Academy, "established in 2011 as an academy for 14 to 19 year olds specialising in creative, digital and performing arts".
The 'Old Rep' (Photo:Tony Hisgett from Birmingham, UK [CC BY 2.0 (]).
I spent an interesting day at the UKRRIN Conference, then made my way home.
The Symphony Hall, opened in 1991 as part of the The International Convention Centre complex, presented a rather forlorn appearance, as the elevation facing Centenary Square was being rebuilt as part of a 12 million pounds Sterling project called 'Making an Entrance', developing a separate public foyer area to host free musical events.
Building work in progress at the Symphony Hall on the 'Making an Entrance' project (Birmingham, November 2019)
But there were other attractions in Centenary Square for Christmas 2019, run by Ice Skate Birmingham. The main feature, as the name suggests, was a large, covered ice rink near the Ice Lounge offering refreshments.
Ice Skate Birmingham's covered rink (Birmingham, November 2019)
There was also the 'Big Wheel' - a 40-metre Ferris Wheel, complemented by the 'City Flyer' - a 55-metre tower where riders in cable-suspended seats are lifted to the top of the tower whilst spinning in a horizontal plane.
Centenary Square showing the 40-metre 'Big Wheel' and the 55-metre 'City Flyer' (Birmingham, November 2019)
As I approached Victoria Square, I noticed how 'naked' the round aerial galleries at the top of Birmingham's 499-foot tall BT Tower appeared. What was then called 'The Post Office Tower' opened in 1966 with various microwave dishes, surmounted by a group of massive 'hoghorn' antenna forming part of the UK's strategic network of 960-channel microwave links. These presumably disappeared with the march of optical fibre cable networks, which may also account for the removal of other dishes (in 2012, according to Wikipedia). The remaining dishes are generally smaller.
BT Tower, Birmingham, looking rather 'naked' with many of the microwave antenna now removed (Birmingham, November 2019)
By the time I reached the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Victoria Square, it was quite busy. A large number of stalls offered German Beer, Gluwein and hot food from attractive wooden structures, brightly lit. There were craft stalls all along New Street.
Frankfurt Christmas Market, Birmingham (Birmingham, November 2019)
Frankfurt Christmas Market, Birmingham (Birmingham, November 2019)
And so I arrived back at New Street Station, where the Navigation Street entrance lay before me. Then I discovered it's been designated for exit only, so I still had to go the long way round. I hustled to platform 7 in the hope of catching the waiting 16:00 Cross Country service going forward to Manchester via Wolverhampton. I was unsurprised to see standing passengers crammed in the vestibules right to the open doors of the four-coach 'Voyager'. There were quite a few disconsolate-looking passengers on the platform. I didn't bother to investigate whether they'd given up on boarding this train or were waiting for a later service with different calling points but launched mayself at an open door and just managed to insert myself as the door closed behind me. We were non-stop to Wolverhampton so at least the uncomfortable, standing journey was brief.
Jan's blog will be maintained, both in her memory and also as a source of reference material in many areas of interest. New posts will be added, to continue to record the ongoing influence of Jan's work and life.
I've been an electronics engineer for over 57 years and I'm interested in travel, history, architecture, the industrial revolution, science, railways and, well, lots of things. I believe in what one of my heroes, Richard Feynman, called "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out".
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