A Vintage Garden Party was held on Saturday 6th July 2013, in glorious weather. This was a joint initiative by the Parish Church and the Brewood Scouts. Until a few years ago, a Church Fete was held annually in Brewood, but it was discontinued. In 2013 members of the Church and the Brewood Scouts decided to re-commence the event in the form of a Vintage Garden Party and Jan Ford agreed to provide the garden at Brewood Hall as a venue.
An event such as this requires a lot of time in planning beforehand and a lot of effort on the day. My pictures (here) include these 'behind the scenes' activities which the visitors to the event don't usually see.
The superb weather helped to make the day a memorable event and Brewood Hall seemed to work its usual 'magic' on over 300 guests. The modest admission fee included refreshments (tea, coffee and an amazing variety of home-made cakes) and two marquees were provided: in the first the volunteers were kept busy dispensing the refreshments whilst the second was furnished with tables and chairs. More tables and chairs were provided outside although many people were happy to just relax on the grass.
There were a number of stalls - White Elephant, Plants, Books, Jewellery, Handicrafts, Face Painting and the Staffordshire Corps of Drums. There were various games - 'Play Your Cards Right', 'Spin the Wheel', 'Hook-a-Duck', 'Splat the Rat', 'Ping-Pong Ball in Jam Jar', a Coconut Shy and a 9-pin skittle alley.
Everybody appeared to enjoy their afternoon and before closing at 5.00 p.m., the raffle winners were drawn. Jane thanked Jan Ford for making the venue available and Jan reminded people of the efforts put in by the Church Members and the Brewood Scouts in creating such a successful event. Jan was presented with chocolates and flowers before being made an 'Honorary Scout' by Ian.
My Pictures
Vintage Garden Party at Brewood Hall.